For the Children's Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and SchoolSusan Schaeffer Macaulay Shows parents and teachers how children's learningexperiences can be extended to every aspect of life, giving them anew richness, stability, and joy for living.
Every parent and teacher wants to give his or her children thebest education possible. We hope that the education we provide is ajoyful adventure, a celebration of life, and preparation forliving. But sadly, most education today falls short of thisgoal.
For the Children's Sake is a book about what educationcan be, based on a Christian understanding of what it means to behuman-to be a child, a parent, a teacher-and on the Christianmeaning of life. The central ideas have been proven over many yearsand in almost every kind of educational situation, including ideasthat Susan and Ranald Macaulay have implemented in their own familyand school experience.
For the Children's Sake will benefit parents andteachers in any educational setting-homeschooling, public school,or private school. This new edition features an updated coverdesign. 1433506955 For the Family's Sake: The Value of Home in Everyone's LifeSusan Schaeffer Macaulay For many of us the word home brings warm thoughts and happy memories—far more than the dictionary's simple definition of "a place of birth or one's living quarters." For many of us, home is where the heart is.
Yet it is even than that. It is the secure environment that allows our hearts to develop. A haven of growth, quiet, and rest. The place where we love and are loved. Sadly though, this kind of home is beginning to disappear as our busy society turns homes into houses where related people abide, but where there is no "heart."
With a desire to help you nurture your family's heart, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay presents a clear blueprint for constructing a home that survives the variety of situations that you face in modern life. With Jesus Christ as the foundation, using tools such as common sense, realism, and traditions, you can build a secure, loving environment where every member of your family can flourish. 1581341113 | |