Super Study SkillsLaurie Rozakis  
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Schoolwork doesn't have to be something to dread! Super Study Skills gives kids the tools they need to study and take tests more effectively.

Super Study Skills shows students how to:

Make the most of their time by getting organized
Read more effectively
Prepare for a test without last-minute panic
Take tests with confidence and skill
. . . and study smarter for the grades they want.

It also provides short answer and essay test hints so kids will be prepared for any test they have to take.

Saxon Math 76John Saxon  
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great book for introducing the equations and helping the young student

What Your Child Needs to Know WhenRobin Scarlata  
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What Your Child Needs to Know When: According to the State and According to the Bible! A homeschool best-seller! The goals outlined in this book will help you prepare, teach, and evaluate your children from a Biblical world view. It will also advise you in helping them become self-motivated, lifelong learners. This sought after book contains four sections to help homeschoolers asnwer the infamous question: Am I doing enough? You can evaluate up to five children with this book!

Section I—explains how we have been conditioned to believe the state is competent to access our children's intelligence! You'll learn how different a Christian world view is and how to RENEW your mind to get rid of this "public education mentality." Includes a look at the Greek history of state education compared to history of Biblical education. The Hebrews focused on the home. Worship, family and academics were taught in the home, not separated subjects in individual locations. The home was more important then the synagogue. The center of all life-religious, education, and training—was the home.

Section II—explains what achievement tests are, test terms, test scores, testing limitations, avoiding testing anxiety, possible benefits from testing, states that require testing, alternative methods of evaluation, and much more.

Section III—explains a new teaching approach (based on a combination of several effective approaches) called The Heart of Wisdom. The Heart of Wisdom teaching approach is centered around reading the Bible through in one year and the creation of a Bible portfolio. The Bible is the main focus and the core of the curriculum, with the secondary focus dedicated developing writing skills using the "writing to learn" method. The H.O.W. approach leads progressively to a renewed mind and to a self-chosen commitment to a life of intellectual and moral integrity. You can use this approach as explained, or adapt it to the methods and curriculum you are using. Section IV—includes all the checklists (see sample pages). There is a checklist to read through the Bible in a year and a Character traits list. The rest of the check lists are divided according to grade level: Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Science. You can evaluate and make notes for up to five children with these lists. Also includes two extensive glossaries and valuable reproducible forms.

Studies show "Evaluation Check Lists" are far superior to Achievement Tests! The valuable "Evaluation Check Lists, based on National Achievement Tests, made the original What Your Child Needs to Know When a bestseller for the past four years. This new expanded edition includes over 200 new pages, including not only the test requirements, but also Bible reading check lists, character check lists, answers to frequently asked questions, the Greek roots of state education, education in Bible times, world views, better evaluation methods, and anintroduction to The Heart of Wisdom teaching philosophy (reading through the Bible once a year and creating a Bible portfolio while incorporating all academic subjects)!

Parents need to realize what their children really need to know-true wisdom from God's Word. Our children need to obtain academic knowledge, but, more importantly, they need to acquire the wisdom to know how to use the knowledge! Academic standards should not be separated from spiritual standards! We need to teach the whole child according to the child's individual God-given gifts. Truewisdom progresses beyond intellectual pursuit; it is practical. This Book Answers these Questions: o What are the State Requirements for Each Grade? o What are God's Requirements? o How Were Children Taught in Bible Times? o How Do I Prepare My Goals for the Year? o How Do I Overcome My Testing Fears? o How Do I Overcome My Child's Testing Fears? o Are the Achievement Test Scores Accurate? o Can the Bible be the Core of all Teaching? o Has Greek Philosophy Influenced Public Education? o What is the Heart of Wisdom Approach?

How Should We Then Live? (L'Abri 50th Anniversary Edition): The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and CultureFrancis A. Schaeffer  
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As one of the foremost evangelical thinkers of the twentiethcentury, Francis Schaeffer long pondered the fate of decliningWestern culture. In this brilliant book he analyzed the reasons formodern society's state of affairs and presented the only viablealternative: living by the Christian ethic, acceptance of God'srevelation, and total affirmation of the Bible's morals, values,and meaning.

Famous Men of the Middle AgesRob Shearer, John H. Haaren, A.B. Poland  
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with five new chapters by Rob Shearer edited and updated by Rob and Cyndy Shearer The stories begin with the Germanic chiefs: Alaric, Genseric, and Theodoric. Then come stories of the famous kings of the Franks: Clovis, Charles Martel, and Charlemagne. The second half of the book includes Justinian, Mohammed, William the Conqueror, Frederick Barbarossa, Marco Polo, and Joan of Arc. The stories of many of these figures can't be found for children anywhere else. Don't just show children pictures of castles; let them read the stories of those who built them and lived in them. Exclusive to the Greenleaf Press version of this classic - Five new chapters written by Rob Shearer on Augustine of Hippo, Patrick of Ireland, Benedict and Gregory, Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV, and Francis and Dominic. Note: Although other editions may have copied these chapter titles (and borrowed heavily from Rob's text), only the Greenleaf Press edition has the original chapters written by Rob.

The Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of the Middle AgesRob Shearer, Cynthia Shearer  
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Greenleaf Guides and Famous Men Series This series involves two important principles in teaching history to children: biography, which incorporates interesting stories about real people, and chron