How do I teach about money?

TOPIC: What resources do you use to teach your children about finances and money management? How do you teach your children about finances? Do your children get an allowance? Why have you made that choice? What is the best financial device you have ever received?...

Should I enroll or register my home school students?

TOPIC: What school are you enrolled with and what do you like and dislike about your school? Did you choose to register or enrol your children this year? What led you to make your choice? Are you going to do the same thing or something different next year? Why?...

How do I teach home school science?

TOPIC: What are your favourite science activities? Favourite curriculum? How do you take advantage of spring to get more science into your day? ANSWERS: I don't use a Science Curriculum for the pre-high school grades, I have tried to in the past, and have purchased a...

How do I organize school books and papers?

TOPIC: What do you do with past years' kids' schoolwork? How do you organize the text books used for school throughout the year? By subject or by grade for each subject? ANSWERS: I have a wide magazine holder labelled for each child and myself (from Ikea). Each child...