Listed below are the services in the community available for the home educator and home schooled children in the Greater Vancouver area.  They are not sponsored nor vetted by New Life Home School Association, and are listed here for information purposes only. Please visit the listed websites for more information.
BCHEA is a non-profit organization that is registered as an umbrella group to represent all home-schoolers regardless of their philosophical or religious beliefs. Since inception, BCHEA has been a grassroots movement, involving individual home educators and families. BCHEA was founded to protect the individual rights of parents to choose the home education option and to conduct their child’s education according to their individual choices. (More information on the BCHEA.) You can see our BCHEA Constitution and Bylaws (2011) here.

BCHEA’s voice of experience can be especially invaluable to those parents new to home educating or new to this province who do not have a history of the home education scene in BC. BCHEA wants to help maintain the non-intrusive atmosphere and freedom each registered home educator in BC currently enjoys.